Sunday, 26 May 2013

Daniel Lenko Unoaked Chardongay, 2010, VQA

Often when our friend C comes to our house for a party, he brings the Chardongay. This wine wears a delightful rainbow flag label, and it looks so lovely I have always wanted to try it. Tonight, since it was my birthday party, I finally worked up the nerve to ask C to let me try some, and he of course kindly obliged. He describes this as his stand-by wine, and his party constant. It is $19.95 a bottle at the LCBO, but $1 from each bottle goes towards AIDS research, and so C pointed out it makes him feel better about splurging for a special occassion, since some of the money goes to a good cause. A wine that both tastes good and makes you feel good!

C- This wine is delicious. At $19 a bottle, it is not my every day wine, but I feel that it is worth it for a special occasion. It is a very fruity chardonnay, which I appreciate, because I am not such a fan of the oakier heavier onew. I usually drink whites, so this fits in with my normal wine choices. I prefer chardonnays, and sauvignon blancs because I like fruitier more fun wines. This wine fits that taste. It is fruitier and lighter as a wine and is not at all dry and acidic.

A - This wine smells like watermelon and melony fruits, so fruity but light. It is really juicy and almost tart when you drink it, like pineapples and lychess, but these are not overwhelmingly tart, and still just delightful and fruity. It is a nice light and smooth white wine, it is very delivious and widely appealing, so I agree with C, that knowing how good this wine is I would not feel bad at all splurging on this bottle. We both noticed that this wine is very clear. It is easy to drink as well. Perhaps, too easy...

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